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Shane Stacks, Assistant Editor

(from the final issue of Inklings, Feb. 14/2001)

To everything there is a season, and to all good things there comes an end. This may be the end of Inkspot and Inklings' season, but it's definitely not the end of what we supported: the amazing, unstoppable world of writing. To everyone who read Inklings and used the site, a heartfelt *thank you* for your support and passion. Most definitely for your passion :) Working to help you in turned help me, and I'll never forget the last few years and the people it brought me. Good luck to you all, keep the faith, and keep your pen moving.

Shane "Staxx" Stacks,
Inklings & Inkspot Assistant Editor
(Feel free to contact me in the future at shane@staxxgrafix.com)

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